In this world we fall into meaningless things. Our culture today tells us we need more to feel more;be worth more. In Ecclesiastes we see the passion king Solomon writes with stating "Everything is meaningless!" Solomon was a man who had everything under the sun and still acknowledged it all meaningless without having the first commandment in it's place. Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul.
Our Father's heart is not for us to give into shame for the things we have pursued or fed on, but He desires us to press in;to claim LOVE in our lives. Our Father desires us to be obsessed with Him as He is with us. He wants to take over our passions, desires, our longings. He is looking for hearts that are loyal to him. We were made to love Him. He is looking for love in our hearts towards him. In God's goodness he gave us free will. I believe it to be one of the most valuable things God could grant us. Love is not love unless it is a choice. He desires for us to choose Him! Just like we choose all the things we love on this earth, He is waiting for us to choose to run to him for satisfaction. I am realizing the only thing that will be of value on the day Jesus comes for his bride are the things I did to expand my love for Him. My relationship with Him. My knowledge of Him. God isn't asking us to step away from the things that distract us from him for the sake of obedience, but for the sake of holiness and deep love for Jesus. He desires to nourish us on eternity with Him. That is what will satisfy!
Just as we pursue meaningless things in our life, He pursues our hearts. We were made to love. On that beautiful day when God created man, his heart was overflowing with LOVE and anticipation for the amazing relationship He desired with Adam. The relationship between God and Man was the most purest of pure before sin came. Today God is looking for a church that is IN LOVE with the son of Man. Thousands are to come to Jesus through hands of people who want to catch a glimpse of the man we are IN LOVE with.
As we pursue our purpose to LOVE and be LOVED, our lives will begin to change. The addictions of the American lifestyle need to be broken. Everything that stands in the way of the first commandment will be removed. The center of the universe no longer can be ourselves, but the center of this universe will be Jesus Christ. Jesus is committed to the church that loves him.
"What is more. I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ" Philippians 3:8
Lovers always out do Workers.